Rapid diagnosis and treatment of head injuries
Among the components of the nervous system, the brain and spinal cord are the most crucial. As a relay, it works. It communicates information to various body parts. The information provided by the nervous system is what drives the activities the body takes. The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system are the two subcategories that make up this system. Together, they ensure that our body is functioning properly. Some illnesses make it impossible for this system to function normally. Neurology is the area of medicine that deals with disorders and illnesses of the neurological system. Neurosurgeon is needed when a treatment necessitates surgical intervention. The conditions that a neurosurgeon treats are listed below and explained: Brain tumors It is a disorder where the brain's aberrant cells are present. They can either originate in the brain or spread from other locations to the brain. While benign tumours are not carcinogenic, malignant tumours are. Depending on ...