What is the process of spine and functional neurosurgery?
The spine connects the base of your skull bone to the tailbone through tendons, muscles, tissues, and cells. A spinal fluid runs across the backbone to protect the bone from wearing off. Therefore, you can stand, sit, sleep, and carry out all other tasks. Spinal disorders Patients might require surgery after a diagnosis of the following disorders: Spine cancer: The growth of benign or malignant tumors in the spinal cord is known as spine cancer. Herniated discs: The condition occurs when a part of the nucleus slips through an annulus causing excruciating pain. Hematoma: Hematoma is a disorder when the blood clots in the spinal cord. The broken blood vessel can lead to blood clot issues. Spinal stenosis: Spinal stenosis triggers when the spinal spaces are minimal. As a result, the spine experiences pressure and discomfort. Abscess: A bacterial infection leads to Abscess means the accumulation of pus. Your physician might advise you to undergo minimally invasive spine surgery if...