Which Head Injury is a Concern?

A sudden direct blow or bump to the head can cause the most common and least serious type of traumatic brain injury called a concussion. 


The brain is cushioned by the spinal fluid itself and is made of tissue i.e. soft and protected inside the skull. When you have a blow or bump to your head, your brain can be impacted. It might get your brain to shake off and move all around and inside the bony structure. 

Bruising, damage to the blood vessels and injury to the nerves can be the result of a traumatic brain injury and can demand a visit to a heady injury doctor. 

1. Falls 

2. Sport Injury

3. Lack of proper safety gear while playing 

4. Accidents on the road 

5. Any form of physical abuse 

6. Injuries at service specially in the armed forces

7. Concussion from the past


Its diagnosis can be tricky. The visible wound on the outside doesn’t mean anything on the inside. For days or weeks, you may not get the symptoms, even when you get they may vanish in seconds or may go unnoticed.

1. Fatigue or dizziness

2. Unconsciousness

3. Sleep apnea

4. Headache or Difficulty concentrating

5. Loss of equilibrium

6. Vague or Blurred vision

7. Light Sensitivity

8. Forgetfulness 

9. Delayed responses 

10. Sensitivity to noise

11. Lethargy

12. Confusion 

13. Clumsiness

14. Slurred speech

15. Nausea or vomiting

16. Constant ringing in ears

17. Irritability 

18. Amnesia

19. Depression

20. Loss of taste or smell

Concussions in Children

Children have the highest risk of concussion due to their disproportionate head. The fast growth in their height and weight may risk them more with concussions especially when they reach adolescence. 

In case of a concussion, the child should be supervised for the next 24 hours. In case any symptoms appear, take them to the doctor immediately and do not give any medicine without a prescription.  

According to Dr. Kaviraj Kaushik, MBBS, M.S. Gen. Surgery, M.Ch. Neurosurgery - “Young children are the most difficult as they cannot express and hence should be minutely observed.”


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